The Voice Project on SoundCloud:

Intention For The Voice Project
The main idea that I want this piece to embody and the audience to feel is a sense of awakening. More specifically, I want to create a sense of awakening for the uniqueness of the human voice. At the same time, I want the uniqueness of the voice to be recognized through its collective harmony that distorts it into something other than a distinct dialect. In the first third of the piece, all the voices are placed on top of one another to remove any distinction between them. This projects the idea that is unconsciously in our minds when we hear others speak; while it is known that everyone has a different voice, we do not necessarily recognize the separateness on a conscious level. The second third of the project will take the voices, and while they will still be interconnected with one another, the aesthetics of the piece will transition to one that creates a harmonious effect in which the voices begin to become distinct and showcase their unique aspects. For this part, the sound of wind through the use of voices will create the feeling of an almost out-of-this-world beauty from an array of voices paired together. The final third of this piece will separate the voices completely to show the uniqueness that resided in them throughout the piece, that is only now consciously recognized by the listeners.